Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Arlene's Memories

Goodbye Dad I am going to miss you terribly. Your never ending smile, your "Terribly Good!" retort when asked how you are doing, your gracious manor towards our mother, your dear wife have endeared many hearts to you.

One never knows the impact of one person on others, but I think that we can all say that your impact on this earth is beyond lightyears.

One of the memories I have of dad is when President David O. McKay passed away. I remember asking dad how a new prophet would be chosen. After hearing the explanation I realized that dad wasn't going to be the next prophet, but he would certainly be the next apostle! Everytime the phone rang I just knew it was Salt Lake calling. I was very dissapointed when the next General Conferance came and he wasn't the one.

I am very proud to be called your daughter. I am very honored to share your heritage. Thank you for your unwaivering testimony. Thank you for the example you shared with family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, doctors, and the people at the "Golden Corral".
Your are "terribly" missed!! Love your daughter Arlene

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